Japanese rum 700 ml
189 LEIJapanese rum 700 ml
189 LEI12 years old speyside single malt 700 ml
245 LEIProsecco millesimato extra dry 750 ml
49 LEIPinot grigio 750 ml
Chardonnay 750 ml
Prosecco millesimato brut 750 ml
49 LEIValdobbiadene docg millesimato brut docg 750 ml
Reserva demi sec cava 750 ml
Rose 750 ml
52 LEIGold cream liqueur 700 ml
15 years old speyside single malt 700 ml
Stags leap district cabernet sauvignon 750 ml
499 LEIBlended scotch whisky 700 ml
Single malt scotch whisky 700 ml
Legacy single malt 700 ml
Hojicha 500 ml
Lambrusco grasparossa di castelvetro centenario 750 ml
Barbera d'alba piemont 750 ml
14 years old 1000 ml
55% 460 LEITomatin Sherry Collection Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Manzanilla Special Edition 0.7L
The Demon's Share La recompensa del tiempo 12 ani Rom 0.7L
The Demon's Share Rom 6 ani Gift Set 0.7L
Tomatin Italian Collection Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Amarone Casks 0.7L
Tomatin Cu Bocan Creation no 6 Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Limited Edition 0.7L
Tomatin Italian Collection Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Marsala Casks 0.7L
Tomatin Cu Bocan Creation no 5 Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Limited Edition 0.7L
The Standard 1894 Vodka 0.7L
Dos Maderas Atlantic Double Aged Rom 0.7L
The Demon's Share Special Edition Rodrigos Reserve Rom 9 ani 0.7L
Zetea Dacia Apold Vinars 0.7L
Lykkebobler catalonia cava 750 ml
11% 55 LEISingle malt japanese whisky 700 ml
11% 365 LEIEl alto reposado 700 ml
10% 950 LEIImperial xo 700 ml
11% 245 LEILykkebobler catalonia cava rose 750 ml
11% 55 LEISilver 200 ml
10% 90 LEIXo cafe 700 ml
10% 242 LEICrème brûlée 700 ml
11% 105 LEI12 stars zeus edition 700 ml
11% 165 LEIIce rose 750 ml
12% 45 LEIPortsoy highland single malt scotch 700 ml
11% 269 LEIRoyal blue sky 750 ml
11% 275 LEIEdition 15.1 single malt scotch 700 ml
10% 794 LEISandend highland single malt scotch 700 ml
11% 249 LEI12 years old highland single malt scotch 700 ml
11% 225 LEISingle vintage 2007 700 ml
10% 580 LEIAltius 700 ml
10% 600 LEIValdobbiadene prosecco superiore millesimato docg 750 ml
11% 55 LEIRéserve exclusive brut 750 ml
10% 150 LEIKentucky straight bourbon whiskey
10% 140 LEIJapenese yuzu & white strawberry 1000 ml
11% 185 LEIZetea Palinca Visine Cutie 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Struguri Cutie 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Mere Cutie 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Helmut Duckadam Caise 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Caise Cutie 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Coacaze Cutie 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Gutui 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Pere Cutie 0.7L
Zetea Palinca Cirese Cutie 0.7L
Bonpland Guatemala Extremely Rare 11 ani XO Rom 0.5L
Tenuta Casenuove Super Tuscan IGT Toscana - Vin Rosu Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Serve Cuvee Guillaume - Vin Rosu Sec - Romania - 0.75L
Serve Cuvee Pacs - Vin Alb Sec - Romania - 0.75L
Zetea Palinca de Ardeal 0.5L
Zetea Brener Distilat din Bere India Pale Ale 0.7L
Zetea XO Vinars 0.7L
Domeniul Bogdan Primordial Feteasca Neagra - Vin Rosu Sec - Romania - 0.75L
JP Chenet Colombard Sauvignon - Vin Alb Sec - Franta - 3L
JP Chenet Cabernet Syrah - Vin Rosu Sec - Franta - 3L
JP Chenet Delicious Red Medium Sweet IGP - Vin Rosu Dulce - Franta - 3L
JP Chenet Grenache Cinsault - Vin Rose Sec - Franta - 3L
Murfatlar Aerosoli Feteasca Regala - Vin Alb Sec - Romania - 0.75L
Terre di Rai Terre Rosse - Vin Sec Rosu - Italia - 5L
Plantation White Rom 3 Stars 0.7L
Plantation White Rom 3 Stars 1L
Chateau Boissezon Guiraud Saint Chinian - Vin Rosu Sec - Franta - 0.75L
Corcova Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot - Vin Rosu Sec - Romania - 0.75L
Corcova Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot - Vin Rosu Sec- Romania - 0.187L
Domeniul Bogdan Cuvee Experience - Vin Rosu Sec - Romania - 0.75L
Nani Rizzi Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Brut BAX 6 st X 0.75L
Moet Chandon Imperial Brut BAX 6 st X 0.75L
Veuve Bonneval Champagne Brut Precieux BAX 6 st x 0.75L
Girboiu Cuartz White Brut 0.75L
Sellaronda Lagrein Trentino DOC - Vin Rosu Sec - Italia 0.75L
Sellaronda Teroldego Vigneti delle Dolomiti Tretino IGT - Vin Rosu Sec- 0.75L
Terre di Rai White - Vin Frizzante Alb Sec - Italia - 20L
DeMatei Odor Alb - Vin Alb Sec - Romania - 0.75L
Dobbe XO Edition de Noel Cognac 0.5L
19% 310 LEIDobbe Francais Peated Single Malt Whisky 0.7L
36% 310 LEIJack Daniel's Old No. 7 Tennessee Whiskey BAX 6 st x 1L
Corvezzo La Traversata Organic Montepulciano D'abruzzo BAX 6 st - Vin Rosu Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Corvezzo La Traversata Organic Chardonnay IGT Puglia BAX 6s t - Vin Alb Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Donna Lorenza Chianti BAX 6 st - Vin Rosu Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Unicum Bitter 0.1L
Extra dry 1000 ml
20% 45 LEI